About Me

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My name is Jenny, and I am married to my wonderful husband Andy. We are the proud parents of Owen Daniil, who we adopted from Russia. Our Gotcha Day was 02/08/2011. Our family is a true gift, and we feel very blessed that God chose each one of us as members. I am not good at blogging, I'm just starting out and getting used to it. However, I am hoping to share some stories about our family. Welcome to my crazy, but wonderful, life!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Singing along....

So Owen talks and jabbers up a storm all day, and I think it's so funny. He really tries to mimick everything we say, and you can really tell that's what he's trying to do. He's put together some small sentences like " I did it." "I got keys." "I got it" "I love you" Bye bye. He's said hello daddy too. I Love when he says hello because he sounds like Tweety bird "Hewwo"  It's ADORABLE! 

Yesterday, He started singing song lyrics to Twinkle Twinkle little star. I was shocked!  It's not his favorite song either, because he usually goes to sleep to it. But, low and behold it's on several of his toys, and he starts singing along yesterday with his singing clock. It was very cute. Andy and I keep talking about taking more videos, and I'm disappointed that we haven't made good on that idea. He's changing so much that some of the things he used to do that were so adorable have changed into new adorable things. Which is great, but also sad because we love EVERYTHING he does;) 

This past week or so, he's been teething, had a runny nose and bad cough. He's been a pretty good trooper through it all, but had some cranky days. I've really been enjoying his nap change though, because we get to hang out alot more, and it's been fun. we've gotten to go to the park, we've gone to the store, we've done chores together at home, and we have just played.   I'm so blessed to have that extra time with him. I feel bad that Andy doesn't get as much time at night though, because Owen has to be in bed at 7 to make up for the hour of sleep he lost from his nap change. Hopefully it will even out more for the two of them to get time together. We'll see.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Turning 19 months

So Owen turned 19 months on 08/30. My baby is so precious:) He still amazes me with how smart he is, and how quick he is to learn things. He started doing this "game" where he "hides" items under one of his legs, and throws his hands up to ask "where did it go?" (which mommy says- I don't know where did it go?) Then he pulls out the object, and mommy says, There it is. Now, he is starting to say "there it is" as well. It is very cool, and very funny. It's also kind of funny to me, because he started doing it all on his own, we never showed him how to do it!

I think my grandpap would be proud though, because Owen is named after him (Grandpap's name is Garey Owen), and this type of "game" would be just like something he would do. It sometimes amazes me how much Owen is like me. But then I think, Duh, he's your son, of course he's going to be like you! God put our family together, how could I forget:)!  Seriously though, here is a list of just a few things that we have in common Besides the fact that we both have blonde hair and some similar features (though I have bedroom eyes that are green but can look blue) Owen has blue eyes. We both do not like carrots. Owen LOVES chocolate, and can smell it a mile away. We both love to dance. We both have sensitive skin. We both are short for our age (LOL!) We both can get cranky. We both love shoes (I know he'll grow out of this one, but hey for now it works;)) We both love Daddy, very much:)! I know there are others, but I am getting tired.

Andy had his birthday on 09/04. We had a great b-day weekend with him. Sat we went for a walk, and played inside. (it was majorly hot that day). We went to dinner on Friday to a Greek restaurant we frequent. Sunday, we went to church, had dinner with Andy's parent's. Monday, we went to the zoo in the morning, and got a lot of family time in the afternoon. It was so great getting to spend that much time together on Andy's b-day weekend. we do love him very much! I'm blessed to have such a great husband:)

We weighed Owen again today, he is still 20.6 lbs, but at least he's maintaining that and not falling below 20 again. I told Andy he will probably hit 22 lbs when he turns 2, just in time to turn around his car seat to face front:)  Maybe it's better he's smaller so it's not as hard on him to be rear facing. We'll see;)  I know once we turn the seat around, he's going to LOVE car rides. Right now it's just not quite as fun for him, or mommy.... Oh well:)