About Me

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My name is Jenny, and I am married to my wonderful husband Andy. We are the proud parents of Owen Daniil, who we adopted from Russia. Our Gotcha Day was 02/08/2011. Our family is a true gift, and we feel very blessed that God chose each one of us as members. I am not good at blogging, I'm just starting out and getting used to it. However, I am hoping to share some stories about our family. Welcome to my crazy, but wonderful, life!

Friday, August 24, 2012

WAITING! for our next Russian babe!

As of next week, we will be officially registered in Russia. After that, we can receive a referral any time!!!!!!!  I cannot express the relief. I guess the paperwork doesn't seem quite as bad now, LOL!  So my paperwork blues are gone, now it's just the waiting game.

Patience, that is what I have to have as we wait to be matched with our next baby. We're going to try focusing on getting Owen's room done, getting some other things around the house done. Maybe get some items ordered for the new baby, like a car seat, etc.

Mentally preparing myself to take the trips is the other thing I'm working on. I think the idea of leaving Owen here while we travel is the part I need to work on the most. This weekend, he's having his first sleep over with one of his friends at their house. Although the difference is we're not 10 some hours away, it will still feel odd. But, I want him to have the experience a couple times....

We're also looking for a new sitter, which is not going so well. I'm hoping this month it will happen. I just hope Owen is okay with the switch.

I'm trying to gradually change things a little for him before the baby comes. I think he'll be most excited about his new room. I hope anyway, LOL. But, I think once the baby is here, he'll be SUPER excited to be a big brother and to have a play mate. I guess that is one thing about adopting an older infant, they can play right away with their siblings:) 

Please continue to pray for us as we continue our journey. All prayers are much needed and much appreciated. We continue to pray for all other families in process, and for all the babies/kids in Russia that need families. We pray for adoption throughout the world, and hope that more Forever Families are made every day!!!!!