As I've mentioned before, we have struggled with infertility for just shy of 5 years. I pray about it all the time, but I know that if God had answered my prayers the first time, we wouldn't have Owen. And that would be a far worse fate!!!!!! I just ended taking any kind of treatment for infertility. (Which consisted of hormonal therapy) It wasn't helping with the irregular cycles anyway, and my doctor had stopped reviewing my chart, so I had a feeling he wasn't really confident that he could do anything else for me. Therefore, it seemed it was time to just let go of the treatments for a while. It hit me hard ending them, because I still pray that maybe someday God will think it's the right time for us to have a bio babe as well our adopted babes.
I might eventually try to get re-evaluted or get a second opinion about my irregular cycles. But, for right now, we are focusing on our next adoption. I know in my heart God has at least one other baby waiting for us to bring him/her home. This second babe is also in Russia, and I know that the infertility is a blessing, because our lives couldn't be whole without Owen or the next baby that God has planned for us.
I may never know the gift of life the same way as other mothers, but I have to remind myself, that the best thing you can want for another person is a relationship with God. My prayers, my husband's prayers, our family and friend's prayers, are what is nurturing and feeding our baby in Russia, just as they did with Owen. Our bond did not start through an umbilical cord, but rather through our hearts. Our baby is being physically fed by care takers right now, but our prayers are going to my baby's heart where God is his/her center. I know our prayers are being answered, because we've already gotten to experience this joy with Owen. So, as I end my post tonight, I ask everyone to continue praying for our family, especially for the little one we hope to soon welcome home. I know that my baby feels these prayers and love, because I can feel his/hers in my heart.
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