About Me

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My name is Jenny, and I am married to my wonderful husband Andy. We are the proud parents of Owen Daniil, who we adopted from Russia. Our Gotcha Day was 02/08/2011. Our family is a true gift, and we feel very blessed that God chose each one of us as members. I am not good at blogging, I'm just starting out and getting used to it. However, I am hoping to share some stories about our family. Welcome to my crazy, but wonderful, life!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

21 months old!

Owen turned 21 months old today. it's hard to believe that in 3 months he will be 2!   I'm torn by the fact that his birthday is approaching. In one way, I'm super excited to be celebrating with him this year at home. In another, I want him to stay my baby longer. He is definitely trying to grow verbally, he talks up a storm. He's definitely growing smarter by the second also, as he tries new things every day. And, we're definitely entering the "terrible 2's" because he throws his drink ALL the time! (not to mention the previously posted tantrums...)

However, I'm still in denial sometimes that he has to get older. I missed out on his whole first year, and sometimes that still makes me sad. Sometimes, I just wish we could have gone over day one, or at least been given the 3 months after we first met him. He's my baby and will always be my baby, but at the same time, I know he's not going to be a baby much longer. One day, he's even going to tell me this, I know. Right now, I say, "Hi baby!" and "who's my baby? Owen's my baby, you're my baby." and I know he will turn to me one day and say, mommy, I'm not a baby! Let's hope that day doesn't come for a while.

I guess that's why in some ways I like that Owen is still not in the "normal" growth range, becuase I LOVE to hug him and cuddle him, and yes even carrying him, because he's so close to me at those times. Sometimes, mostly on the weekends, I secretly want him to need me in the middle of the night, just so I can hold my baby boy. That always comes back to nip me in the butt though, because usually it ends up happening on a weeknightdue to me wishing it on the weekend. That makes for a hard day of work the next day.

Anyway, my BABY;) Is doing really well. Tonight, I put together the wagon his daddy and I picked out for him so that daddy can take him trick or treating. We know he won't get much out of it this year, but daddy is pretty excited. And I must say, Owen's costume is THE CUTEST:) He's the best frog ever.  I posted some pictures below. He was so darn cute in the costume, I decided to get some taken. He had a blast, and really loves wearing the costume. He'll just have a great time tomorrow. I'm going to take him into work in his costume, and then going out with daddy. I am pretty sure he's going to be tuckered out by bed time;)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Stomping out the tantrums.....

Owen has really taken to throwing temper tantrums. He will do the hold your breath cry, until his lips turn blue and he finally blows out the cry. Then the crying and screaming continues and continues.  I have been getting very frustrated myself with them. Tuesday night this week, it was awful. Tonight it didn't start until about 5, but continued until we ate.

I'm determined to get these tantrums to be less often. I have a new resolve to cope with them and to get Owen out of them. Usually after he has them, he just wants to lay in my lap and suck on his fingers, like he's going to sleep. I'm hoping to break this habit, along with taming the tantrums.
Other than the tantrums. Owen is doing well. He is picking up words, and really starting to say alot more phrases. He loves to sing wheels on the bus, and some other songs, and I LOVE to listen to him sing. I love music, and I'm really hoping he continues to enjoy it as well. I also love his little sentences. They are really cute. This week, he started saying "daddy at work." It was SOOOOOOOOO cute!!!!

He is our cutie pie, sometimes even when he's throwing fits it can be funny, and it's hard not to laugh. Especially when he is in time out. Sometimes he's just so darn cute sitting in the time out spot!  Oh well, this too shall pass with the tantrums. But first, we have to make it through them, so I need to start figuring out good methods to do so.  Wish me luck! 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Talking and just being cute;)

So Owen has been really trying to say people's names alot more over the last week. He's been saying the kids names at the sitters, he's been saying mommy and daddy alot more (he just started saying mommy really about 3 weeks ago). He's been saying some of his aunt and uncle's names, and grandparents when we look through the picture book we had made for him when he was in the baby home.

He's just cute. There's no other way to put it;)  I'm super excited for his first Halloween, and we are having a Halloween "party" with his cousins this weekend. I'm super excited for them to all be together again too;)  I am hoping my little jelly (jealous) bean will let me hold some of his younger cousins. We'll see.  I missed posting something on 10/08, when which marked having owen with us for 8 months!  I can't believe how fast time has flown.  I still miss being at home with him and having to work. I feel like I miss out on things. I did feel a bit better when the sitter told me he wouldn't say please for her, HA! He was saying it and signing it for me! That made me feel a bit better. I'm not going to lie, there are some jelly bean issues with mommy over the sitter getting more time with him during the day than me. ;) But I thinkthat is to be expected.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

20 months!

Owen turned 20 months old yesterday. He must not have been happy about it though. He was in a very cranky mood all evening. I think he was preparing me for when he turns 2, which is unbelievably only 4 months away. We have a routine when we come home, which Owen is very happy has changed since he is down to 1 nap. We come home, walk out and get the mail, come inside, take our shoes off. (he just started going over and sitting where the shoes go and wanting his off too;)). then we head upstairs so mommy can change and go to the potty (sorry it's TMI, but it's the routine). Owen usually plays while I change, mostly trying to get either my cell phone or the regular phone...Hewwo, hewwo. Then, I take him in change his clothes and diaper.

When we had gotten inside, he did NOT want me to take his jacket off (just a gray sweatshirt with a hood). I gave up after about 2 mins of trying. We went upstairs. when we got to where I was going to change him and started to take the jacket off, the fit started. Not just a crying fit. He decides to do the crying where he holds his breath, turns bright red, and basically collapses into my arms. It freaks me out every time he does it. It had been a while since he's done it too. I want to say a couple months. After he collapsed into my arms ( he did not faint just finally started breahing normally). I held him and he cried for a few more mins. I tried to comfort him, and put another shirt on him. He finally seemed like he was okay as I tried to play with him to make him smile.

So i thought okay he's fine. We start gathering clothes up to put in the washer, and come downstairs. I really wanted to change his socks. Needless to say, he didn't want me to do that either. Though it was not nearly as traumatic as the jacket, it was just a minor "cry" But he seemed fine with it once we got the new socks on, and he got to throw the old socks in the washer. He likes to "help" do the laundry.

He cried a bit after his snack off and on over silly things. I'd say what is the matter? and he would move on. He was okay during dinner and did eat okay. Then when we tried to put new pajamas on him, he through another hold his breath cry. This time at least Andy was with me. We finally found a sleeper "bag" PJ that Owen seemed to approve of, and he was fine and went fast asleep. I'm hoping this was a major fluke day with his crankiness.

Today, he has been fine. We had a good time in the morning, we went to the store, Andy's sister's b-day lunch. I was able take his coat and hoody (not the gray jacket) off him no problem. maybe he just really didn't get enough sleep Thursday night. Not sure. Last night, he LOVED sleeping in the sleeper bag. In fact this morning, he didn't want to get out of it!  I had to laugh at that, since he really can't walk in it. But it does seem comfy. I found out that they actually sell them for older kids too, up to like 5 or 6, so I might be investing in them for a few more years. They keep him warm at night, but still give his toes freedom to wiggle. I think that's why he likes it. Anyway. Here's to another fun, interesting, and new month with Owen. It's funny how somedays are so routine and then somedays you wonder what took over your child's mood. that's parenthood for you;)